Post 236: How To Deal With A Difficult Student In Your Online Classroom
How many of you have had difficult students in your class? What did you do about it?
For the most part, luckily, I have not had many difficult student in my classes. Most of my students have been respectful.
If you do have a difficult student, here are some ways you can smooth things over.
1. Email the student privately, Do not embarrass the student by addressing the problem in front of the entire class.
2. In the email, tell the student what the problem is. Example "Many students are complaining that you are cutting and pasting exactly what other students are saying in their forums in your forum post. Other students feel you are 'stealing' their ideas and calling it your own. Remember, when you write a forum post, you have to write entirely your own thoughts. You can feel free to respectfully disagree with a student and give your reasons why, and as long as you add to the conversation, you will do fine in the discussion forums."
3. Do not scold the student in ALL CAPS. Getting angry or getting into an argument with the student will only escalate the problem. Use a professional calm neutral tone with your student in your private email.
4. Use the Sandwich Method. Say something positive. Then add in what the student did wrong. Then end with something positive.
5. Remind the student of the school's netiquette rules.
6. Have a one on one chat with the student in Adobe Connect or in an LMS chat room.
7. Use rubrics so students will not complain about their grade as much especially if they know what they did wrong and what they can do in the future to avoid that low grade in the future.
What other best practice teaching tips do you have for dealing with a difficult student?
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