Post 129: Scaffolding for Advanced French Speakers (COVID19 in French and English)
Many of you know about Coronavirus and how Coronavirus is in the news everywhere. You have all read about this virus on social media and in the newspapers. Therefore, advanced French students who know about current events such as this already have scaffolding (background knowledge) in their L1 (English) about this deadly virus.
Now have these same advanced or intermediate French students go to (This is Google in French for French countries) and have them google coronavirus or COVID19 in French and have them read about coronavirus in French and they will be able to follow this story since this is a worldwide event.
Here are some vocabulary words in French that American students of French can learn through scaffolding about the coronavirus news in French : (There are no accents in these words. I can ask students to put the accents in the right place--make the list interactive). Now have the advanced French students talk about the vocabulary list they have all made based on the new coronavirus words they have learned by reading the French version of the coronavirus news.
eviter la propagation de virus
confinement generale
confinement coercitif
point presse quotidien
la menace sanitaire
President Trump a dit, "L'Amerique sera bientot de nouveau ouverte aux affaires."
les personnes contaminee
Le virus a contaminee 557 personnes
une pandemie
se mettre en quarantaine
President Trump a dit, "Nous ne pouvons pas laisser le remede etre pire que le probleme."
La Reserve Federale annonce des aides massives aux entreprises.
Wall Street est tombe a son plus bas.
Les bourses europeene ont egalement chute
Les bourses HK a ouvert en hausse de plus de 3%
Confinement nationale
le plan de relance economique
les gueris
le taux de mortalite monte/baisse
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