Post 418: Is this Video for Real?
On What's App, my cousin sent me a video called, "Is this Video for Real?" by AJ Willingham. This article describes different ways you can tell if a video has been faked or manipulated. The article goes over different kinds of fake videos. Cheapfakes are videos that were altered by classic video editing like Photoshop. Deepfakes are videos altered by artificial intelligence. The computer is fed that person's face many times and then after a while, the AI can extrapolate how that person can talk or move and then the video creator can then create a fake video from that AI metadata.
The most interesting part of this article is that they put side by side the real video of Nancy Pelosi talking naturally, and then they had a fake video of Nancy Pelosi where her speech sounded slurred to make her seem like she was drunk. The fake video where they slowed down her speech through video editing looked so real that if you did not know it was fake, you would think Pelosi was drunk when she was not.
Then, there was another two videos a real and a fake of Obama speaking, but there was no audio to this excerpt. I was asked to choose which of the Obama video was fake, and which one was real. I chose the WRONG one because they can make the fake video look so real, that I cannot tell the difference. Williingham states that to tell the difference, you have to look at how unnatural Obama's jaw moves as he speaks.
When listening to a fake audio of Trump talking, Willingham says be aware of you don't hear any fricatives in the speech. Fricatives are sounds where you have to breathe on the sound to make the sound like 't' or 'p'. For some reason, machines think fricatives or breathable sounds are just noise so machines cannot yet replicate fricative sounds.
When looking at a face, make sure that the glasses, ears, are symmetrical or asymmetrical. In a natural face, the glasses can be asymmetrical. In a fake video, everything will look too perfect, too symmetrical. In a real face, you have imperfections like crooked teeth or realistic looking ears.
I was blown by the idea that a computer program named StyleGan by Philip Wang on the website, This Person does not Exist where the machine can create fake faces of people who do not exist. These fake faces look so real too! Then, you can put these fake people anywhere and just create people out of thin air!
Read this fascinating article to learn more about how videos and other online content can be faked at